Get the Buzz on the Insect-Inspired Vuliwear Sunglasses
When you think of the diverse array of inspirations that fuel our favorite fashion designers, you realize that a great idea can come from anywhere. Some artists are moved by natural landscapes, urban architecture, or certain It Girl celebrities who are red carpet staples. For the creators of Vuliwear®, the inspiration is bugs. That’s right: the luxury eyewear brand finds great beauty in the creatures many of us shrink away from. And the results are quite captivating.
BlknBlu Sunglasses inspired by the Damselfly, $225
“Vuliwear is inspired by the beautiful array of colors and unique design patterns in an insect’s eyes. Some may think bugs are gross, but that doesn’t mean we can’t appreciate their beauty, even if it’s from a distance,” the brand shared. “We want to show the world the beautiful shades of eeww through our cleverly designed and stylish sunglasses. Our sunglasses are 100% made in Italy and manufactured with precision and care to ensure exceptional quality.”
Quality and distinctive design characteristics definitely set this brand apart from all others – and we can see where the buzz about this brand comes from.
The big eyes of mantises and dragonflies may at first send a shudder down your spine, but if you take a step back for a second you’ll see their true beauty. When combined with the artisanal craftsmanship of these Vuliwear sunglasses, you will also see how practical of an inspiration these insects are.
Zag Sunglasses inspired by the African Twig Mantis, $225
Vuliwear uses high-quality, fully polarized nylon lenses to create their shades. These lenses work better than regular, traditional tinted lenses in eliminating glare and filtering out reflected light. It’s form meets function – quite like some of nature’s finest fliers.
African Twig Mantis
You can shop all of these sunglasses styles and more via the Vuliwear shopping page now!
More sunglasses designers. More eyewear accessory trends and styles. All photos provided courtesy of Vuliwear

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