Rutu Bhonslé – NYFW Spring 2018 Ready-To-Wear
When designer Rutu Bhonslé decided nature should be the focus of his 2017 fall fashion collection, he looked to the peacock.
In fact, he studied 30 of them. He wanted to reflect their beauty in the many styles we saw at the Carol Galvin Foundation Gala. He captured each majestic bird in watercolor and used the paintings as inspirations on the runway. Those with a keen eye could pick up on the peacock designs as a common thread, gracing many of the India native’s fashions at the gala.
Bhonslé ‘s passion for nature goes beyond wildlife to an appreciation for the female body as well. Which was something also accentuated at New York Fashion Week. His line featured not only minis but bare midriffs, the latter in a color-block dress and pants suit. Bhonslé also looks for inspiration from his travels, and that too ends up in his fashion line if it harmonizes with the nature focus.
With his 2017 fall collection, Bhonslé stood true to his philosophy that fashion should fit women from every walk of life. It should be casual and ready-to-wear, yet very elegant.
We also think he lived up to his goal of elegance in style. Especially, with two gowns made for swirling just like a princess at the ball.
You can view the Rutu Bhonslé New York Fashion Week collection in full via the gallery below.
More from Rutu Bhonslé.

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