These Are the Bold Fashion Lessons We Can Learn Best from Rihanna
When Rihanna first announced that her latest Fenty x Puma collection was going to be themed “Fenty University,” we knew for certain that the singer was about to school us in style. Which shouldn’t be too surprising, considering that the artist is a style chameleon whose own personal fashion sense is constantly evolving… and inspiring us along the way. While promoting her latest fashion collection, RiRi has been sharing some of her best fashion lessons and style solutions for every occasion.
You’ll definitely want to take notes, because you never know when you’ll encounter a pop quiz!
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How do you find clothing that suits your body type?
Every woman, regardless of her body type, has encountered this dressing room situation. While some outfits fit you like a glove, some pants will make you feel too short, some tops will make you feel too bloated, or too… something. Rihanna understands the struggle herself, and both designs and dresses to meet the needs of her body at any given moment.
“I actually have had the pleasure of a fluctuating body type, where one day I can literally fit into something that is bodycon, and then the next day — the next week — I need something oversized; I need a little crop here and a high-waist there to hide that part, you know?” she shared. “I really pay attention every day when I go into the closet about what’s working for my body that morning. I feel like that’s how everyone should go after fashion, because it’s an individual thing.”
“I love to play with silhouettes as well, but I think it’s important to make sure that you wear the thing that works for your body the best, and that’s flattering,” she added.
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What’s the hottest look a guy can wear?
Sometimes it seems like guys have it way easier when it comes to looking polished and fashionable. In Rihanna’s eyes, a guy can’t go wrong if he’s wearing black from head to toe. “This is new for me; this is recent. I love a man in black. It’s so sexy and mysterious; confident and secure — all the things I love about a man,” she shared.
Why shouldn’t we rely on Instagram for all of our fashion inspiration?
To keep a finger on the fashion pulse, it’s important to cultivate an Instagram feed full of designers, models, influencers, and friends who inspire you. But as the singer says, once something is all over social media, it’s already in front of the masses.
“Instagram is the death of all trends,” Rihanna asserts. “Once it gets there, it’s too late. It’s gone. I’m so over it. I can’t; I can’t deal.”
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To be innovative, look beyond the ‘gram sometimes!
So what are some unconventional trends we can embrace?
If Instagram trends means a style is over-saturated, where do you turn? Head back to some tried-and-true “classics” that you haven’t visited in awhile. True gems may even be lurking in the back of your closet, waiting for their chance to shine.
“I love a good shoulder-pad,” Rihanna suggests. “I never think that should go out of style. A broad shoulder makes a small waist, and I like that idea, a lot.”
Where can we turn for some unexpected new ideas?
Emerging, up-and-coming designers are a great group to keep your eye on. Rihanna credits design students and new artists for being on the cutting edge.
“I get bored really easily, so I love when things can trigger an inspiration in my mind,” the singer shared. “Things I love the most are the things that I get jealous that I didn’t think of or come up with myself. Young, fresh, new perspective—even from Parsons students, who are so great.”
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What if you look back on throwback pictures and cringe?
It may seem like Rihanna was born with great style, but she insists that getting to where she is now has been a process.
“[I] started with bad style, but you’ve got to start somewhere,” she said. “You live and you learn and you make mistakes. I’m always up for a challenge, and if I don’t get it right the first time or the first hundred thousand times, I keep going. [I think] really knowing myself, really knowing exactly what my boundaries are. For me there aren’t many boundaries with fashion, really. I want to do everything and in the most extreme way possible, but [my style evolution] started with me knowing myself and knowing what I want.”
More on Fenty x Puma’s fashion influence.

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