Gettin’ Jiggy With The 90’s Fashion Comeback

The resurgence of 90s fashion trends strikes up strong emotions for both sides. Someone are thrilled and others are in completely detest. We can look back on the Spice Girls or Titanic with fond nostalgia, but JNCO pipes? Say it isn’t so. Why did we let them fool us into believing tuxedo jeans were cool and blossom hats are cute? The betrayal we felt at the hands of 90s fashion gurus still stings. Donning a 90s outfit is virtually profanity unless you’re attending a theme party.

Going on 16 years of retrospection, however, many of the less terrible fashion trends of the 90s are returning. There are some styles from the 90s we should welcome back with open arms. You may finally have the swagger to pull off a fanny pack…or not, that’s absolutely fine with us. Every decade has a few fashion virtues, though, and the 90s is no exception. The time has come to embrace the triumphs and shortcomings of nineties fashion. Have a look. You may find some that are “all that and a bag of chips.”

EDITORS NOTE: We do not condone the resurgence of 90s slang, homeslice.

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